Advanced Search & URL Parameters

Verify Engine provides multiple ways for users and developers to retrieve the search results or to access the Asset Profiles.

Retrieve Search Results

By Nid/Cid

If you have already known the Numbers ID of a content file, you can either input the Nid in the search bar of the Verify Engine, or use the following URL to get the search results:${YOUR_ASSET_NID}

such as

By Token Contract and ID

If you have the contract address and token ID of an NFT token that is associated with a specific content file, you can input the contract address and token ID in the advanced search of the Verify Engine UI or use the following URL to get the search results:${TOKEN_ID}&contract=${TOKEN_CONTRACT}

such as

Retrieve Asset Profile

By Nid/Cid

If you have already known the Numbers ID of a content file, you can use Nid to access the Asset Profile of it:${YOUR_ASSET_NID}

such as

By Token Contract and ID

If you have the contract address and NFT token ID associated with a specific content file, you may also use the following URL to retrieve the Asset Profile of the asset associated with this NFT token:${TOKEN_ID}&contract=${TOKEN_CONTRACT}

such as

Last updated