24 May 2024

2024/05/24 Weekly Summary from Numbers Team

Hello Numbers Community,

If you are following the updates on crypto regulation recently, you may have already heard yesterday the U.S. spot Ethereum ETF has been approved! Are we going to get the long-awaited altseason soon? We sure hope so! Here's your weekly update with our team's latest developments and exciting news.


  • Last week we had the .HEIC file type support, this week you can also already download the C2PA injection of WebP and audio files!

  • Logged in the Capture Dashboard and uploaded a file recently? Then you probably have noticed a major changes in the Dashboard! Now equipped with an alert message when your storage capacity or your credit balance reaches its limit!

  • Another fun stuff to try in the Dashboard, try uploading your photo and click on the 'location' icon when prompted to. You can now pick your geolocation with the help of an interactive mapping tool!

  • We, of course, did not forget about Capture Cam! The latest update now allows you to download C2PA files directly from the Capture Cam!

Marketing & Community

  • The AI workshop we had last week in collaboration with Instill AI turns out to be a great success with numerous developers attending the event and joining the Hackathon! For anyone who missed the workshop, we posted a simple tutorial video on how to create a traceable Generative AI with no-code tools.

Business Development

  • We attended the Generative AI week in Taipei, where we met with several potential generative AI services. These meetings could lead to innovative partnerships that align with our vision for digital content authenticity.

  • Numbers are participating in a certain start up program tailored to the Korean market. The participation will help assist us in understanding market needs and expand our reach in the Korean market!

  • We also met and agreed on an MOU with Zkcrypto. This partnership will enhance our capabilities in securing digital content, combining Provenance with Zkrypto’s expertise in ZK technology.


  • Numbers Mainnet integration with Crypto.com is finished! Every $NUM you trade on Crypto.com from now is on Numbers Mainnet! We are aware of the request from our community, and as with the previous announcement in our social channels, we’re still working on getting Mainnet integration in all our partner exchanges!

As always, we appreciate your continued support. While the team enjoys a well-deserved break over the weekend, our dedicated moderators will be available to assist you. We'll return recharged and ready to take on new challenges next week. Thank you for being an integral part of the Numbers Community!

Last updated