21 June 2024

2024/06/21 Weekly Summary from Numbers Team

Hello Numbers Community,

Keep building, does anyone still remember this phrase? Well you can never go wrong by keeping on building, and this week we're excited to share some of the progress!


  • This week we're working closely with Defiance Media to improve our Capture Eye. Soon you'll be able to see the new Capture Eye and how it interacts perfectly with news media site owners and audiences, both in delivering authentic news, while also helping this platform to monetize easily!

Marketing & Community

  • AI Provenance may be a hot topic recently, but you can never separate Provenance with art, especially not when AI is in the picture. Numbers will be sponsoring Electric Art Podcast for the Provenance series of their podcast that will involve some high profile guests in talks about tech in the creative industry. Check out their first episode here.

Business Development

  • Now for the big event of the week! AI:MEDIA 2024 presented by Numbers in The National Press Club - Washington D.C. Vera and Natalie confront the pressing need for responsible and ethical AI to safeguard against biases and misinformation. This event, attended by several executives from news media, government, and Web3 projects, is aimed to increase awareness about the importance of verification tools such as Capture in digital media.

  • The team participated in an event hosted by the Taiwan Association on "Communication and Democratic Resilience". This conference discussed the role of news media in democracy and how instead of AI being a risk factor, it could be used to strengthen democracy with proper regulation. Being a member of the U.S Open Loop Program, Numbers tech and solution prove to be a great tool for helping the government and association solve the issue.

  • We also discussed a potential collaboration with the China Times, a prominent Taiwanese news media outlet. On a deal, you'll be able to see more of Numbers in the news media industry!


  • New staking pool alert! The new Mainnet $NUM staking is now open with 99k $NUM in the prize pool! Both traditional staking and quadratic staking are available to choose, stake now!

  • At the request of some community members, you can now send Mainnet $NUM in bulk with BulkSender!

  • A sneak peak of what's coming next week, how about $NUM support in a crypto card? Stay tuned!

As always, we appreciate your continued support. While the team enjoys a well-deserved break over the weekend, our dedicated moderators will be available to assist you. We'll return recharged and ready to take on new challenges next week. Thank you for being an integral part of the Numbers Community!

Last updated