19 July 2024

2024/07/19 Weekly Summary from Numbers Team

Hello Numbers Community,

We hope you're all doing well! Here's your weekly update with our team's latest developments and exciting news.


  • Have you checked Capture's new explore page yet? This week we've done some improvement to the site and glad to share that we've improved the performance on the explore page! You should be able to access it much easier than before now!

  • The new Capture Eye is now on every Showcase page! Check out this featured creator's site and share with us the differences you have found. With Capture Eye, creators will be able to regain control of their own content with more monetization opportunities. Of course, NUM is going to play a crucial role here!

Marketing & Community

  • Another podcast invitation! This week we're featured at DWeb Decoded by the Filecoin Foundation. The topic? Elections, misinformation & Responsible AI!

  • Missed the IPFSCamp last week? You can still check the recording of our demo on how Numbers help with Media Verification for Blockchain Provenance!

Business Development

  • Another confirmed collaboration with a government supported project! Shortly, Numbers will start working with the Shezidao Wetlands project to archive the historic images of Taipei City, ensuring their preservation and accessibility for future generations.

  • We had a very insightful meeting with DACS, an organisation that represents over 100,000 artists and creators! The goal is to collaborate on enhancing content verification and management in digital media. We'll be sharing any further update on this potential collaboration shortly!

As always, we appreciate your continued support. While the team enjoys a well-deserved break over the weekend, our dedicated moderators will be available to assist you. We'll return recharged and ready to take on new challenges next week. Thank you for being an integral part of the Numbers Community!

Last updated