27 Oct 2023
2023/10/27 Monthly Letter by Tammy
Last updated
2023/10/27 Monthly Letter by Tammy
Last updated
Greetings once again, it's Tammy here to write the summary of the last week of the month.
Let's start with the product updates. I am pleased to introduce version 0.85.2 of our Capture Cam. This update empowers creators to express themselves more. Now, you can personalize your creator profile with a background of your choice and a description that truly resonates with your creative essence. Our aim is to make our platform feel more like 'home' to each one of you.
On the marketing front, after our impressive showcase at New York Tech Week in Times Square, we have shifted to a "learning mode". Our threads on Provenance have been crafted with care, and we are keen to know if you've found them enlightening. This is just the beginning – more insightful threads are on the horizon for the coming week. In sync with our threads, don’t miss out on the 3 new shorts we’ve uploaded on our YouTube channel. They’re waiting to be explored!
On the business development side, there are also many significant updates that I want to share with you! Firstly, we've defined our collaboration parameters with Stardust, a decentralized platform with a social mission at its heart. With Numbers coming into play, Stardust users can now produce photos with genuine provenance they can rely on. Furthermore, we've established partnerships with several independent media studios, setting the stage to showcase the transformative power of blockchain provenance in the realm of news.
Besides the collaborations mentioned in the paragraph above, you must have noticed the latest announcement for the collaboration with SONA, the Songwriters of North America. This is a significant milestone as it marks our success in working with the mainstream community. Numbers is not just a Web3 project but a project that creators, journalists and everyone can rely on!
Recently, we looked for feedback regarding a potential shift to PancakeSwap V3. Your active engagement in these discussions is super valuable. A detailed recap can be found here, and we'll begin the migration process shortly.
Before I conclude, I want to share my best wishes to many individuals and families who are facing challenges due to conflicts in various regions. The fast spread of misinformation, including faked images and videos online, shows the need for verifiable digital content is crucial. Your continuous support is important for us to achieve the vision, and I assure you that we at Numbers Protocol remain committed to fostering a more trustworthy digital landscape.
Same as every weekend, the team will take some rest with a slower response. Our dear moderators will keep supporting you, and the team will be well-prepared for the new week.
Cheers, Tammy