21 Apr 2023
2023/4/21 Weekly Summary
After a month of hard work, we have finished the implementation of the uploading feature in the Capture App. This allows users to upload photos and videos to create blockchain provenance, enhancing user flexibility and control. The new version of the app is currently in the process of being submitted to the app store and Google Play, and we are working diligently to release it as soon as possible.
Business Development:
This week, the BD team made progress in several partnerships. A pricing agreement was offered to POX.ME, and we await the completion of the paperwork. Meanwhile, CGS, an Adobe agent with creator economy resources, expressed interest in collaborating. They manage numerous accounts across Southeast Asia, providing opportunities for future collaboration with Numbers.
Lastly, progress was made with the AI-based music and video platform mentioned in last week's summary. Over 100K music assets on their platform will be registered for on-chain proof of authenticity, marking a significant milestone for the music industry.
This week, we launched our Spring Celebration Campaign and so far, the highest 24h tx count has closed to 2K and the Mainnet NUM holder has reached more than 1K. As more NUM is utilized on Numbers Mainnet through registrations and transactions, it further demonstrates its capacity to manage digital media effectively, while also encouraging more individuals and platforms to adopt the Numbers network to preserve digital assets for their users. For more information about the campaign detail, please visit: https://link.numbersprotocol.io/MainnetCampaign
Additionally, we’ve updated the Q2 roadmap with a focus on establishing leadership in the Digital Media Provenance space. With 5 roadmap items pinged, we’re confident to stand by creators to build solutions for addressing challenges in the Generative AI era via Numbers solution. For more detail on the roadmap, please visit: https://github.com/numbersprotocol/community-support/wiki/Project-Roadmap
As a NUM holder, we encourage you to switch your ERC-NUM or BEP-NUM to native NUM tokens on our Mainnet to fully experience the solution within the platform. Our official staking site is offering better rewards for native NUM holders. There are already 1M+ Mainnet NUM locked in the staking site, the earlier you join, the more rewards you may receive! Join Mainnet staking here: https://app.num.network/staking-mainnet-002
We've received 309 entries for the Human-made mosaic Art campaign, and 30 T-shirts with exclusive artworks were sold, generating a total revenue of 61K NUM. As promised, the revenue will be shared among all participants. Your involvement is the whole point of this wonderful co-creation process. See the full picture of 309 contributors here:
Last updated