15 Sep 2023

2023/9/15 Weekly Summary from Numbers Team

Hello Numbers Community, we hope you have a great week!

Here's our weekly update, enjoy!


  • As shared in the Webinar, our new Ethereum Improvements Proposal (EIP) 7517 is currently in review. This is the first EIP aiming to allow creators and content owners to consent (or not to consent) the use for AI/ML training. Take a look and leave your feedback to build the future of responsible AI together!

  • We've just rolled out a major upgrade to our Capture Service! Now, if an asset is found to be similar to an existing NFT asset, it cannot be minted & shared on our explore page. This enhancement is a crucial step in protecting the original creators and their work, we want to make sure that only unique and distinct assets get the spotlight on our platform!

Marketing & Community

  • The third Dev Call, and our first collaborative Live Demo Webinar has been concluded this week! Thanks to everyone, we had 114 views at the end of the Webinar! If you miss the call, you can watch the recording here, we’ll have another exciting collaboration in the future, stay tuned to our channel so you don’t miss it!

    By the way, don’t forget to fill out the survey form if you attended the call, we have a surprise gift waiting for you!

Business Development

  • There has been an insightful discussion with a Manga web2 solution, we're exploring ways in which Capture can enhance its operations and reduce costs.

  • We also had meetings with Deskree for a potential future collaboration. Deskree is a backend no-code service for developers and enterprises. Numbers’ services would provide value to them in data provenance and authenticity.

  • .We have also met with SONA, a leading advocacy organization formed by professional songwriters to advocate for fair pay, safety, equality, and a collective voice for songwriters in Hollywood and everywhere, to discuss the potential collaboration for their upcoming event in October.


  • NumbersDAO are more than just spectators, we're a collective group of builders, just like you! We've got something big in the works. A Grant Initiative that will secure our position as the leader in Digital Provenance and Trust. This initiative will bring potential platforms, media, artists, and projects under Numbers Protocol's wing. Get ready for some game-changing details dropping your way next week!

Thank you for your continued support! Same as every weekend, the team will take some rest with a slower response. Our dear moderators will keep supporting you, and the team will be well-prepared for the new week.

Last updated