Become A DAO Member

To participate in NumbersDAO, you must be a CAPTCH-A NFT holder. CAPTCH-A is the official membership NFT of NumbersDAO. There are 5 roles of CAPTCH-A, Pebble, Snow, Rose, Sky and Night. More details of the responsibilities and capabilities can be found in the session of Roles & Responsibilities.

Snow, Rose, Sky, and Night are SoulBound NFTs. This means they are permanently bound to a specific wallet for the duration of the CAPTCH-A’s existence. To learn more about the idea of SoulBound NFT check out the following article.

For a full CAPTCH-A breakdown, see the image below for more details:

How to get whitelisted

Check our announcement channel on Telegram, Discord, Twitter, or Blog often to get more info on when we'll release the CAPTCH-A acquisition page. If you’re eligible to acquire Snow and Rose, you will receive an email from before the acquisition page is closed.

Sky and Night are invitation-only. Sky invites should either have a reputation in the creator community or be professional creators themselves and be proposed by at least one existing Sky member. Night invites should demonstrate a strong understanding of Numbers Protocol, tokenmetrics, and Web3 projects. In both scenarios, invites must disclose their profiles to be considered. The purpose of Sky and Night CAPTCH-A’s is to acquire DAO members with professions that align with the visions of the Numbers Protocol.


Snow, Rose, Sky, and Night are SoulBound NFTs. This means they are permanently bound to a specific wallet for the duration of the CAPTCH-A’s existence. To learn more about SoulBound NFT, check out the following article.

Keeping your CAPTCH-A active

CAPTCH-A holders must be “activated” to be an active NumbersDAO member. While Pebble CAPTCH-A remains active, Soulbound NFT Snow, Rose, Sky and Night must be activated to be an active member of the NumbersDAO.

At the time when holders acquire SoulBound CAPTCH-A NFTs (a.k.a Snow, Rose, Sky and Night), their NFTs will be active for the first 6 months. To stay at the active member status, holders must continuously contribute to the projects to remain on the whitelist. The active status will be reviewed every 6 months based on the rules of each whitelist. In other words, if holders of SoulBound CAPTCH-A NFTs do not actively participate in the project, the qualification will be removed, and the CAPTCH-A NFTs are no longer active. Inactive holders will temporarily be removed as members of NumbersDAO.

The decision to have an “active” component to SoulBound CAPTCH-A NFT is to ensure NumbersDAO contains members that are active stakeholders and best equipped to make critical decisions for the growth of Numbers Protocol.

Last updated